Looking for a new job? First stop, LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a must-have in today’s job market when applying and interviewing for new jobs. One of the first things a potential employer will do will be to Google search/LinkedIn search for your page. If your Linkedin profile is outdated, loaded with spelling and grammatical errors or unprofessional - what is that first impression really portraying?
Step #1: Update your headshot. As much as we would like to think that we are still the fresh-faced intern taking a headshot on the first day in the office, we are no longer. In fact, we are even better now with the years of experience and expertise that we did not hold when that picture was taken! Updating your picture to a modern and recent photo taken behind a neutral and well lit place will start a great first impression. Keep attire modern and neutral, clean and ironed. Don’t forget to smile and be yourself.
For a professional headshot: stick with neutrals, simple and professional dress and makeup/hair that looks and feels the most like YOU.
Step #2: Utilize all sections. This step is important. Utilize the header, the bio section, the awards and certification section (if applicable), the work experience, etc. Complete your profile! Would you submit a job application without completing all the forms?
Step #3: Ask for recommendations. I have both written and received referrals on my clients and coworkers. Ask for a rec from someone you trust to help bolster and showcase your skills on your page. It is a great way to keep in touch and remember the job well done for your own records as well.
Receiving a client endorsement showcases and solidifies a relationship and skillset for future clients to use as a referral.
Step 4: Relevancy. Over time with career changes or into your career, some of your earlier work will not be relevant. If you feel the jobs listed no longer serve a purpose, it is ok to remove them. As I progressed into my career, my internships and college jobs have left my page as well as some irrelevant contract work I held briefly. Remember that many times, a career (like life in general) is not linear and that is quite ok.
Ready for a LinkedIn assessment for your company’s page? Contact me to get started today.